President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a speech at the Borsa Istanbul 150th Anniversary Bell-Ringing Ceremony

Noting that in line with the decision to bring together all the exchanges operating in Türkiye under a single roof under the brand of Borsa Istanbul in 2013, President Erdoğan stated that the stock exchange has obtained a more integrated, dynamic and transparent structure by turning into a corporation with its clearing, settlement and custody services.
Pointing out that a wide range of regulations have been introduced in the country’s economic and financial system concurrently with the ongoing economic initiatives based on investment, production, planning, employment and exports, President Erdoğan said: “Our capital market and stock exchange have undergone an extensive transformation as a result of the innovations and regulations we have put into practice over the past 21 years. The entry into service of the Istanbul Financial Center has further consolidated Türkiye’s central position in the area of finance. The Turkish economy’s great potential for growth attracts the attention of foreign as well as domestic investors. We witness that there has been a growing interest in the Turkish stock exchange in recent years both at home and abroad. While the global economy has been experiencing contraction and the foreign capital inflows have been receding everywhere, Türkiye continues to draw foreign capital via its stock exchange and thus is able to obtain financing for its economic growth. Even though the risk appetite has been decreasing and the capital has been withdrawing to safe harbors all across the world, Türkiye preserves its status as a center of attraction for international capital as a result of the financial programme we have been following.”
Pointing out that Türkiye, as a country that has attracted more than 255 billion dollars’ worth of international investments over the past 21 years, will focus on further deepening and making more accessible the capital markets in the period ahead, President Erdoğan singled out participation finance and Islamic investment instruments as the areas particularly harboring great potential.
Expressing determination to ensure a climate in Türkiye whereby citizens can make use of their savings and put them to the use of the real economy with their hearts in peace, President Erdoğan said: “We believe that there will be a faster inflow of funds towards our country as the inflation is increasingly taken under control. The recession in risk premium and the amelioration in our credit ratings will have positive impacts on our capital markets, particularly on our stock exchange. In parallel with the adjustment in inflation, our stock exchange will grow deeper and our investors will be able to access sources of finance more easily.”