“Terrorists were targeted in 2 different operations carried out in Tunceli and Hakkari provinces”

Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu shared a message on his social media page.
Turkish security forces neutralized at least nine terrorists in eastern Turkey, security sources announced on Thursday.
Eight terrorists that Turkish forces have long been tracking were neutralized in the Alanduz of Mount Cilo in the eastern Hakkari province, said Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu on Twitter.
Confirming the development, the Interior Ministry said the terrorists were neutralized under the Eren-14 anti-terror operation.
The terrorists’ affiliation was not specified, but the PKK terror group is known to be active in the area, which is mountainous and borders both Iraq and Iran.
Under the Eren-7 anti-terror operation, one terrorist was neutralized in Hozat in the Tunceli province, said the ministry.
The successful operation included gendarmerie special operations teams and was supported by aerial elements, it added.
Again the terrorist’s affiliation was not given, but the PKK and the far-left TKP-ML terror group are known to be active in the mountainous Tunceli province.
Turkish authorities often use the word "neutralized" in statements to imply the terrorists in question surrendered or were killed or captured.
Operation Eren, named after Eren Bulbul, a 15-year-old killed by the terrorist PKK in 2017, began in January to eliminate terrorism in the country.